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Old truths in modern lights: the Boyle lectures for 1890 with other sermons_cover
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Oliver Dyer's phonographic report of the proceedings of the National Free Soil Convention at Buffalo, N. Y., August 9th and 10th, 1848 .._cover
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On the philosophy of painting: a theoretical and practical treatise.._cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Oklahomans and their state; a newspaper reference work_cover
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Öesterreichischer Erbfolge-krieg, 1740-1748: Nach den Feld-acten und anderen ... 5_cover
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Other days in Greenwich;_cover
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Our home in Aveyron : with studies of peasant life and customs in Aveyron and the Lot_cover
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Outline of a history of Protestant missions from the Reformation to the present time : With an appendix concerning Roman Catholic missions ... 3d Eng. ed. being authorised translation from the 8th German ed._cover
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Outline of a history of Protestant missions from the reformation to the present time_cover
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