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Observations on the importance of the American revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world_cover
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Observations on a late publication entitled "Memoirs of Great-Britain, by Sir John Dalrymple," in which some errors, misrepresentations, and the design of that compiler and his associates are detected_cover
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One hundred years : being the short history of the Church Missionary Society_cover
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Our Union--God's gift. A discourse delivered in Trinity church, Washington, D.C., on Thankgiving day, November 28, 1850_cover
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Ohio society of Washington, D.C. A synopsis of its constitution and by-laws with a list of its officers, committees and members_cover
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Observations on the sugar beet, and its cultivation_cover
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Old Brownsville days. An historical sketch of early times in Jackson County_cover
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Old Boston in colonial days; or, St. Botolph's town from the time of Blackstone, the first settler, to the outbreak of the American Revolution_cover
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Origin and annals of "The Old south," First Presbyterian church and parish, in Newburyport, Mass., 1746-1896_cover
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Old Redstone : or, Historical sketches of Western Presbyterianism, its early ministers, its perilous times, and its first records_cover
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