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Orazion funerale del s. Pietro Angeli da Barga : recitata latina in Firenze nell'esseqvie del d. Francesco Medici, gran duca di Toscana, sotto di 15. di dicemb. M.D.LXXXVII_cover
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Oratorio fatto cantare dalli PP. Minori Conventuali nella loro Chiesa di S. Francesco di Bologna per festa di giubilo nell'esaltazione del sommo pontefice Benedetto XIV_cover
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On the origin of language_cover
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Older workers in Montana 1981_cover
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Old times re-visited in the borough and parish of Lymington, Hants_cover
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Observations on Judge Jones' loyalist history of the American revolution. How far is it an authority .._cover
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Our domestic policy. Speech of Hon. J. R. Giddings, on the reference of the President's message_cover
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Obras completas de don Andrés Bello 9_cover
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O prilozhenīi︠a︡kh teorīi ėllipticheskikh funkt︠s︡īĭ k teorīi chisel_cover
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Occasional thoughts of an astronomer on nature and revelation_cover
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