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Early Education: Being the Substance of Four Lectures Delivered in the Public Hall of the ..._cover
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A rigorous solution of a many-body problem_cover
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History of the Ottoman Empire: From the Earliest Period to the Present Time_cover
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Salary loan business in New York city .._cover
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Excavation and Embankment Tables: Applicable to All Widths of Road Bed, and All Slopes ..._cover
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The westward movement : the colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763-1798 with full cartographical illustrations from contemporary sources_cover
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Municipal electric lighting_cover
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The Factors of the Unsound Mind: With Special Reference to the Plea of Insanity in Criminal ..._cover
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Majority [and Minority] report[s] of the Senate committee on the practicability of government and state insurance_cover
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