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Iterative methods for elliptic problems on regions partitioned into substructures and the biharmonic Dirichlet problem_cover
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Parallel queues and pools, an evaluation_cover
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Optimal iterative refinement methods_cover
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Optimal iterative refinement method_cover
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Some domain decomposition and iterative refinement algorithms for elliptic finite element problems_cover
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Capacitance matrix methods for the Helmholtz equation on general three-dimensional regions_cover
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High order fast Laplace solvers for the Dirichlet problem on general regions_cover
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On the numerical solution of Helmholtz's equation by the capacitance matrix method_cover
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On the use of sparsity in the solution of finite element systems of equations by Gaussian elimination-type methods_cover
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A study to determine possible relationships between graduate record examination scores and the professional success of graduates of the Instructional Media Department at Eastern Illinois University_cover
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