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The lives of twelve eminent judges of the last and of the present century 2_cover
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Modern state trials : revised and illustrated with essays and notes_cover
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The Literary Magnet of the Belles Lettres, Science, and the Fine Arts 1_cover
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The Literary Magnet of the Belles Lettres, Science, and the Fine Arts_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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The Literary Magnet of the Belles Lettres, Science, and the Fine Arts 1_cover
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A Treatise Concerning Political Enquiry and the Liberty of the Press_cover
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'Personal Recollections' of the Right Reverend Robert William Willson, D.D. (First Bishop of ..._cover
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Questions of the hour; a political speech delivered before the Tippecanoe club at Fort Wayne, Indiana, August 9, 1902_cover
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A history of the commonwealth of Florence, from the earliest independence of the commune to the fall of the republic in 1531_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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A history of the commonwealth of Florence, from the earliest independence of the commune to the fall of the republic in 1531_cover
Avg: 4/5
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