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Achtzehn Monate mit Russlands Heeren in der Mandschurei_cover
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Lucretius on Life and Death: In the Metre of Omar Khayyám_cover
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Lucretius on Life and Death, in the Metre of Omar Khayyám_cover
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Lucretius on Life and Death, in the Metre of Omar Khayyám: In the Metre of Omar Khayyam_cover
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Angling in all its branches, reduced to a complete science :_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Angling in all its branches, reduced to a complete science :_cover
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Angling in all its branches, reduced to a complete science :_cover
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The Scott originals; an account of notables & worthies, the originals of characters in the Waverley novels_cover
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The 159th regiment infantry, New York state volunteers, in the war of the rebellion, 1862-1865_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Prison life in Dixie_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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