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The visitations of Hertfordshire : made by Robert Cooke, esq.,Clarencieux, in 1572, and Sir Richard St. George, kt., Clarencieux, in 1634, with Hertfordshire pedigrees from Harleian mss. 6147 and 1546 22,27,32_cover
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The visitation of the county of Gloucester, taken in the year 1623 21_cover
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The visitations of the county of Sussex made and taken in the years 1530 53_cover
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The visitations of the county of Oxford taken in the years 1566 5_cover
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Brief discours sur la vie et trespas de feu messire Françoys duc de Montmorancy,..._cover
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A very old question. A novel 3_cover
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A very old question. A novel 2_cover
Avg: 3/5
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