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By-laws of the Presbyterian Church of the City of Charleston_cover
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A report of a committee of the Presbytery of Fayetteville, on the condition and prospects of Davidson College: to which are prefixed resolutions of the presbytery, touching the subject matter of the report_cover
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Auszug aus Konig Maximilian's II. Copeybuch vom Jahre 1564 : nebst einem Verzeichnisse der in demselben vorkommenden Personen- und Ortsnamen etc._cover
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Comment on parle a Paris : or, French as spoken in Paris. For the use of pupils and travellers_cover
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Bosnien und Hercegovina : Volksthumliche Beschreibung der sitten. Lebensweise und Gebrauche...nebft einer biografie Sr. Exellenz Josef Freih. v. Philippovic_cover
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Life of Rowland Hill_cover
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Genealogy of the Eliot family_cover
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Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear : with preliminary observations on his genius and writings; and on the labors of those who have endeavoured to elucidate them_cover
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