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American Painters: With Eighty-three Examples of Their Work Engraved on Wood_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Ueber die Bewegung einger Flüssigkeit in einem cylindrischen Gefässe_cover
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Bibliotheca anglo-poetica; or, a rich and rare collection of early English poetry in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown_cover
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Why four Gospels? : or, The Gospel for all the world ; a manual designed to aid Christians in the study of the Scriptures, and to a better understanding of the Gospels .._cover
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Ueber die Verrichtungen des Grosshirns : gesammelte Abhandlungen_cover
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[Greek gospel texts in America : Pt. 1-4] 4_cover
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[Greek gospel texts in America : Pt. 1-4] 3_cover
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[Greek gospel texts in America : Pt. 1-4] 2_cover
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[Greek gospel texts in America : Pt. 1-4] 1_cover
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Fru Th.s erindringer fra Iisland_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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