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In memoriam, Stephen Bleecker Luce : Rear Admiral, United States Navy, born 1827, died 1917, a tribute_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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The presentation of the portraits of General William Whipple, signer of the Declaration of independence, and of David Glasgow Farragut, admiral, United States navy_cover
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Report of the secretary of foreign relations of the republic of Guatemala to the national legislative assembly concerning the capture and death of General J. Martín Barrundia_cover
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An oration, delivered in St. Andrew's church, on the Fourth of July, 1821, before the St. Andrew's company, and at their request_cover
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Report of the Meteorological Council_cover
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Report of the Meteorological Council_cover
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Report of the Meteorological Council_cover
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Deuxième campagne des Anglais dans l'Afghanistan (1879-1880)_cover
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Leçons et modèles de littérature française: ou, Choix de morceaux en prose et en vers tirés de ..._cover
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Plant Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative_cover
Avg: 3/5
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