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Our martyred president as a man ... : memorial life of William McKinley ... together with a full history of anarchy and its infamous deeds_cover
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Organization and list of publications of the Virginia historical society_cover
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Organization of the Virginia Historical Society; officers and members: with a list of its publications_cover
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Outside the Barnwell gate_cover
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One hundred years ago : an historical discourse delivered by Rev. George Duffield, D.D., during the centenary celebration of the First Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, Pa., July 1st, 1857_cover
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Oeuvres de Le Sage; avec notice et notes, par Frédéric Dillaye: théâtre_cover
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Old-time Archbald; the early institutions and industries of the town. How the place looked to pioneers. Important happenings in its history_cover
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Oeuvres complètes d'Estienne de la Boëtie_cover
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On the Various Modes of Testing for Albumen and Sugar in the Urine: Two Lectures_cover
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