% is a Philosophico-Art project and part of the www.trans-end.org collabourative art constillation and exhibithion for 2008. % investigates the relationships between trance and chance in Western culture. It's developmental thesis is: Limiting %chance produces %trance.
%Chance is trapped within language games played by others. To play along one has to speak/write like them or be excluded from the conversation. Highlighting words here and there allows a degree of freedom to employ words and phrases (used by others) for one's own purposes, but the vocabulary (even though one may treat it as context free) is still limited for the writer. %Change hilights the need for new vocabulary and new language games.
%Trance is trapped in monotony even though the hackeysack game is driven by chance - not free because of it rules and physics but otherwise quite random. Skill develops in this context and skill seen by some as a greater freedom of expression is ultimately trapped in the game. (This is a metaphor for one kind of creative activity) %Trance highlights the skills trap - what makes us smart also makes us stupid.
Together the two works are concerned first with material practices and second with linguistics or symbolic practices which systemically collabourate to limit the possibilities for thinking (Imagination). %Trance predicts that the machines are the masters of the future creative sphere and %Chance predicts that we will never escape our limited set of symbols in fact both interact. As we go deeper into trance, less and less symbols (words) are needed because we are aware of less.
In the end, the % project is a plea for more Chance-formation and less Trance-formation in the world.