
News cover Wonderful story about one pianist in the story "The Upright Piano Player" written by  David Abbott
Wonderful story about one pianist in the story "The Upright Piano Player" written by David Abbott 15 Jun 2011 04:20:12 We first meet Henry on his way to a funeral, in the aftermath of a shocking and gruesome accident. Abbott then backtracks five years, on the cusp of the new millennium, as Henry is beginning to adjust to retired life. A random violent encounter on New Year's Eve leads to escalating acts of harassment, which mostly embarrass rather than frighten Henry as he's got other things to worry about: his ex-wife's illness is getting more serious, and he's cautiously starting to rebuild a relationship with... Read Full Story
News cover "The Ranger" written by Ace Atkins
"The Ranger" written by Ace Atkins 15 Jun 2011 04:18:39 It features Quinn Colson as an Army Ranger back from Afghanistan and heading home on leave to sort out a favorite uncle's curious death, Colson's own fractured family and the lost love of his youth. He finds much more: a pregnant teenage girl on a road, a scheming developer plundering pristine land and a hair-raising, diabolical leader of a scummy, ragtag cult living in squalid trailers. The rugged Colson will get little rest. The novel arrives on the heels of the announcement that Atkins was se... Read Full Story
News cover Soon robots will change all our life, read about this problem in "Robopocalypse" written by Daniel H. Wilson
Soon robots will change all our life, read about this problem in "Robopocalypse" written by Daniel H. Wilson 15 Jun 2011 04:17:56 There's also a sense of been there, done that and a few eye-rolling moments that barge across the border into cliche. But for the most part, Wilson, who earned a doctorate in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University and plumbed these depths once before with the nonfiction novelty book "How to Survive a Robot Uprising," has created a riveting page turner that has some fine moments — and ought to make one heck of a movie by Steven Spielberg. "Robopocalypse" is the story of an artificial intelligen... Read Full Story
News cover "East on Sunset" written by Ken Mercer
"East on Sunset" written by Ken Mercer 13 Jun 2011 03:48:48 Magowan, introduced in Mercer's "Slow Fire," was kicked off the Los Angles police force when he started using drugs. But things have finally started looking up. He's clean and sober and has a job he loves. He's also back with his wife, and they are expecting a baby. Trouble arrives in the form of Erik Crandall, fresh out of prison and determined to collect the $500,000 he feels he's owed from the drugs taken from him when he was arrested. The drugs disappeared before his trial. Crandall believes... Read Full Story
News cover Jennifer Hudson loose her weight and her new book will be devoted to balance food
Jennifer Hudson loose her weight and her new book will be devoted to balance food 13 Jun 2011 03:48:09 The Academy Award-winning actress and singer has a deal with Dutton for a memoir about her struggles with weight and how she dropped 80 pounds. Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), announced Tuesday that Hudson's book will come out in January. The memoir is currently untitled. The 29-year-old Hudson is known for the film "Dreamgirls," for which she won an Oscar for best supporting actress. Her latest album, "I Remember Me," came out this year. Read Full Story
News cover "Poisoned" written by  Jeff Benedict
"Poisoned" written by Jeff Benedict 13 Jun 2011 03:46:35 The subject of Jeff Benedict's latest book is as familiar as today's headlines that tell of the hundreds of illnesses, many fatal, caused by a "supertoxic" strain of bacteria in Europe. We all know now about the bacteria E. coli, strains of which can infect meats and other foods and cause illness or even death when consumed. Part of the value of "Poisoned" is that it returns us to a time when this threat was new, when doctors, public officials and food businesses scrambled to understand it and t... Read Full Story
News cover "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" from Ransom Riggs
"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" from Ransom Riggs 12 Jun 2011 03:50:33 Kids grow up, and Jacob realized that his grandfather was telling tales, masking his experiences as a Jewish World War II refugee in the guise of fairy tales. The monsters the peculiar children feared were in reality Nazis; the children themselves Other in religion only. Or so Jacob believed, until his grandfather is killed under mysterious circumstances and Jacob swears he saw a tentacle-mouthed creature lurking in the nearby woods. Everyone thinks he's delusional from grief, but Jacob decides ... Read Full Story
News cover She is the most closer person, because she is a "Sister" written by Rosamund Lupton
She is the most closer person, because she is a "Sister" written by Rosamund Lupton 12 Jun 2011 03:49:35 She moves into Tess' flat and starts tracing her sister's last steps to find her killer, uncovering secret after secret about the woman she thought she was closer to than anyone. Rosamund Lupton's debut — part literary fiction, part crime novel — received rave reviews upon its release in the U.K. last fall, and "Sister" will no doubt receive a similar reception in the U.S. It's intensely written both in terms of its suspense and its study, however one-sided, of the bonds of sisterhood. The novel... Read Full Story
News cover DO you want to know how the radio come into our lives? Read the book "The Influencing Machine"  written by Brooke Gladstone
DO you want to know how the radio come into our lives? Read the book "The Influencing Machine" written by Brooke Gladstone 12 Jun 2011 03:48:05 The only problem, as radio host Brooke Gladstone points out in her new book, is that the good ol' days were never as good as we like to believe. In "The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media," she traces the industry's history from ancient times to the colonial era to the present. Her conclusions: The media have always been imperfect, and we consumers are partly to blame because they're only giving us what we demand. In other words, we get the media we deserve. Her argument is compe... Read Full Story
News cover Heels and the book  "La Seduction" from Elaine Sciolino
Heels and the book "La Seduction" from Elaine Sciolino 10 Jun 2011 03:49:56 The official pointed out that her street, the impossibly stylish rue du Bac "is not the Upper West Side" of New York, where it might be acceptable to traipse about in sweats. The American shot back that this was her neighborhood and she should be able to wear whatever she wants. "You can," he replied, "but you shouldn't." In France, you see, dressing sloppily is not only an insult to yourself but also to anyone and everyone you interact with. Times Paris correspondent Elaine Sciolino's "La Sed... Read Full Story
News cover Lipstick, nail polish and the book "Spoiled"  written by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan should be in every women's reticule
Lipstick, nail polish and the book "Spoiled" written by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan should be in every women's reticule 10 Jun 2011 03:48:11 Molly grew up in West Cairo, Ind., where she enjoyed a quiet life and dated the same boy since grade school. Molly learns her father's identity from her dying mother. She decides to move to Los Angeles to join her new family. It's not an easy transition. Brooke doesn't share anything, especially her father's affection, and she goes straight for Molly's social jugular. Brooke spreads rumors about Molly at school and refuses to acknowledge her existence. In desperation, Molly befriends Brooke's ... Read Full Story
News cover Water is the first item of what we need,  read the book "The Ripple Effect" written by Alex Prud'homme and explore more new intereting facts
Water is the first item of what we need, read the book "The Ripple Effect" written by Alex Prud'homme and explore more new intereting facts 10 Jun 2011 03:45:43 A spate of books and articles has laid out possible scenarios in which population growth, pollution and mismanagement will lead to a scarcity of water in some regions. The idea that large population centers such as Phoenix and Las Vegas could be rendered uninhabitable may no longer be the stuff of apocalyptic fiction. Prud'homme, co-author with his great-aunt Julia Child of "My Life in France," makes a thoughtful and compelling case that policymakers and average citizens should pay more attenti... Read Full Story

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