
News cover Theodore Sturgeon: read, think, write!
Theodore Sturgeon: read, think, write! 15 Jul 2011 01:24:45 Sturgeon, winner of practically every science fiction prize going, was the author of more than 200 short stories and novels and a key figure of the "golden age" of science fiction. Described as "a master storyteller" by Kurt Vonnegut and an inspiration for authors including Stephen King and Ray Bradbury, he also wrote two Star Trek episodes and – together with Leonard Nimoy – is credited with inventing the Vulcan phrase "live long and prosper". The collection donated to the University of Kansas... Read Full Story
News cover What interesting will prepare for readers the MGM group?
What interesting will prepare for readers the MGM group? 15 Jul 2011 01:23:32 MGM has picked up the rights to film Neil Strauss's best-selling book, The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, according to Slashfilm. The studio has employed David Levien and Brian Koppleman, writers of Rounders and The Girlfriend Experience, to write and direct an adaptation of Strauss's infamous book, which is part exposé, part seduction manual. The book explains the pick-up techniques of a group of men who call themselves the "seduction community". Strauss explains how ... Read Full Story
News cover Do you know, what is the real Web?
Do you know, what is the real Web? 15 Jul 2011 01:22:17 Michael Sims was reading White's collected letters when he found a reply to a group of schoolchildren, in which the author wrote that "I didn't like spiders at first, but then I began watching one of them, and soon saw what a wonderful creature she was and what a skilful weaver. I named her Charlotte." The comment sent Sims on a journey to discover whether there was indeed a real Charlotte, visiting White's old barn in Maine where Fern and Avery's rope still hung and finding that "there had been... Read Full Story
News cover May JK Rowling create new hero and beat her record with Harry Potter?
May JK Rowling create new hero and beat her record with Harry Potter? 13 Jul 2011 03:22:01 Start all the clocks and plug the telephone back in: JK Rowling has provided a shred of comfort to the millions of mourners lamenting the release of the final Harry Potter movie with the revelation that she has written "quite a lot" of new material and has plans to publish it. Speaking at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two, Rowling told MTV News that "I'm writing, and I've done quite a lot since finishing Harry Potter". She expanded further to BBC News, saying "I thi... Read Full Story
News cover The last knoking to our door
The last knoking to our door 13 Jul 2011 03:19:46 Inscribed "to the immortal and illustrious fame of Lord Byron, the first poet of the age in which he lived", the memorial book contains accolades to the writer by famous figures of the day, from the American author Washington Irving to the Irish poet Tom Moore and future president of the US Martin Van Buren. It was placed at Byron's family vault in Nottinghamshire where the poet's body was buried after its return from Greece in 1824, and was filled with eulogies from more than 800 people by 1834... Read Full Story
News cover How to earn £5,000? Take a part an win the Edwin Morgan prize
How to earn £5,000? Take a part an win the Edwin Morgan prize 13 Jul 2011 03:18:33 From the difficulties of loving Medusa to a poetic take on a John Singer Sargent painting and a tender look at death, five poems have been shortlisted for the Edwin Morgan international poetry competition. Worth £5,000 to the winner, this is the first competition to be held since Morgan – Scotland's inaugural Makar, or national poet – died last year, aged 90. More than 2,000 poems were submitted by 900 poets from around the world for the contest named in his honour, with judges and poets Vicki ... Read Full Story
News cover Fans ready for release the last Harry Potter film
Fans ready for release the last Harry Potter film 12 Jul 2011 04:18:20 They had not come to ride Nelson's lions or run the gauntlet of the English summer: they had come from across the world to pay their final respects to a young, bespectacled wizard whose adventures began before many of them were born. It was not hard to distinguish the Harry Potter acolytes from the commuters and civil service muggles trudging grimly towards Whitehall. By 7am, the fans – if the word is strong enough – were dragging their aching bodies into nearby coffee shops, many still clutch... Read Full Story
News cover The author of Mao's great famine" was the winner of Samuel Johnson prize
The author of Mao's great famine" was the winner of Samuel Johnson prize 12 Jul 2011 04:13:28 Dikötter, a Dutch academic, accessed previously hidden archives to shine a light on China between 1958 and 1962, when millions of Chinese – he puts the figure at 45 million – were worked, starved or beaten to death as Mao attempted to overtake the west in less than 15 years. Ben Macintyre, historian, journalist and chair of the Samuel Johnson prize judges, called Mao's Great Famine the book of the year. "This is not just an important book now, but it will become in some ways more important, as ... Read Full Story
News cover All interesting facts about Daniel Radcliffe and his attitude to alcohol
All interesting facts about Daniel Radcliffe and his attitude to alcohol 12 Jul 2011 04:11:34 Daniel Radcliffe has revealed he became too "reliant" on alcohol while filming the last few outings in the Harry Potter franchise. "There were a few years there when I was just so enamoured with the idea of living some sort of famous person's lifestyle that really isn't suited to me," the actor told GQ magazine.Radcliffe, 21, admits his lifestyle became an issue on the set of 2009 film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. He went on to claim he has not touched alcohol since August 2010, short... Read Full Story
News cover A great flashmob - 26 authors worked on one novel "No Rest for the Dead"
A great flashmob - 26 authors worked on one novel "No Rest for the Dead" 07 Jul 2011 04:54:03 Published later this week, the authors – who also include Raymond Khoury, RL Stine, Faye Kellerman, Tess Gerritsen and Jeffery Deaver – have taken it in turns to write the novel's chapters, pulling together the story of Jon Nunn, a detective haunted by a case he thought he'd cracked 10 years earlier. Nunn becomes convinced that Rosemary Thomas, executed for the brutal murder of her husband, was actually innocent. When he discovers that a memorial service is being planned for Rosemary, with all t... Read Full Story
News cover Interesting information about JD Salinger's letters
Interesting information about JD Salinger's letters 07 Jul 2011 04:53:21 The three newly discovered letters to the late Mitchell, who created the dust jacket for the first edition of The Catcher in the Rye, were found by his girlfriend, Ruth E Linke. She has now sold them to the Morgan Library and Museum where 11 other letters from Salinger to his friend also reside. Among other things, they see the author writing of how he had to try hard "not to gag" while attending a graduation ceremony. "I've been going to graduations, and there isn't much that I find more prete... Read Full Story
News cover Authors will force us to buy their books by phones
Authors will force us to buy their books by phones 07 Jul 2011 04:48:25 The American author, whose poems have appeared in the New Yorker, has just published her second collection, The Trees The Trees, and rather than relying on the usual publicity tour, has decided instead to list her phone number on her website. At set times every day until 14 July she will read a poem to anyone who calls her. "The book itself is full of references to phones and phone calls, and the speaker often seems to mistake the technology of the page for that of the telephone, imagining that... Read Full Story

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