
News cover  Mimi Alford is talking about her life
Mimi Alford is talking about her life 20 Feb 2012 03:18:57 Outed in a 2003 biography and a New York newspaper account, Alford has learned to tell her story and not be ashamed of it — from the moment she said Kennedy seduced her on her fourth day working at the White House until the affair ended shortly before his death. In "Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and its Aftermath," published last week by Random House, she writes of her first encounter as a naïve teenager, her "varied and fun" sex life with Kennedy, whom she always ... Read Full Story
News cover Some facts about Whitney Houston
Some facts about Whitney Houston 20 Feb 2012 03:17:17 * Houston won six Grammys, 30 Billboard awards and 22 American Music Awards in a 25-year career. According to the Guinness Book of Records, she was the most-honored female singer with more than 400 awards. * She released seven studio albums, the most recent in 2009. Her best-known hits include "I will Always Love You," "Saving All my Love for You" and "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" and she has sold more than 170 million albums worldwide. * Houston's movies included "The Bodyguard" in 1992 with Ke... Read Full Story
News cover Scandal with "Walking Dead's" Robert Kirkman
Scandal with "Walking Dead's" Robert Kirkman 18 Feb 2012 20:52:06 Asked during a podcast how a comic book writer should find an artist to draw his or her stories, Kirkman dryly replied, "Trickery and deceit." On Thursday, Kirkman's original "Walking Dead" artist, Tony Moore, accused him of exactly that. Moore alleges in a lawsuit that Kirkman, a childhood friend with whom he collaborated on several comics, tricked him into surrendering his rights to them in 2005 in exchange for payments that never came. Kirkman calls the allegations "ridiculous." But his "tric... Read Full Story
News cover Do you use The Path
Do you use The Path 18 Feb 2012 20:49:03 Path was sharply criticized in blogs and social media forums this week after an independent software developer revealed that Path's Apple iPhone application uploaded users' address book data to its own servers without permission. Its travails demonstrate how easily today's social media startups -- which by definition thrive by sharing users' views and information -- can still run afoul of users' privacy sensitivities even at a time of constantly shifting consumer attitudes. Path, which now has 2... Read Full Story
News cover Why Penguin Group (USA) stopped salling e-books?
Why Penguin Group (USA) stopped salling e-books? 18 Feb 2012 20:46:47 Simon & Schuster, Macmillan and the Hachette Book Group are among the major publishers that already limit e-book availability to libraries. While more and more smaller publishers are providing e-books to libraries, larger publishers have been concerned that the ease of downloading books from libraries could hurt sales. Penguin announced Thursday it would stop selling e-books to libraries through OverDrive Inc., a Cleveland-based digital distributor and major supplier for the library market. The ... Read Full Story
News cover India will not watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo  in cinemas
India will not watch The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in cinemas 05 Feb 2012 02:33:52 ndia's Central Board of Film Certification had insisted five scenes be excised, including two in which actors Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara make love and another in which Mara's character Lisbeth Salander is raped by her legal guardian, the Wrap reports. Fincher refused to make changes to his film, and Sony Pictures abandoned plans for a 10 February release. "Sony Pictures will not be releasing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in India," read a statement from the company's Mumbai office. "The cen... Read Full Story
News cover The most popular women horror writers
The most popular women horror writers 05 Feb 2012 01:53:47 As an icy wind blows in from the east, the grip of a good horror story is tightening its hold on many of Britain's leading literary talents. Terrifying new novels from outspoken author Jeanette Winterson and from the acclaimed novelist and children's writer Helen Dunmore are at the head of a blast of chilling fiction heading for British bookshops. Where once an accomplished "lady novelist" in search of a change might have attempted a neat whodunnit or perhaps a cosy "Aga saga", suddenly the unh... Read Full Story
News cover What is difference between male and female authors?
What is difference between male and female authors? 05 Feb 2012 01:52:05 Male and female authors in America are competing over who has it harder, with bestselling chick lit author Jennifer Weiner arguing the New York Times still pays more attention to male writers, and first-time novelist Teddy Wayne countering that most male authors are at a "financial disadvantage". Weiner, whose bestselling novels include In Her Shoes, was at the heart of a storm which blew up in 2010 over the New York Times's focus on what the novelist Jodi Picoult described as books by "white m... Read Full Story
News cover Andrew Miller become the winner of UK's most prestigious literary prizes
Andrew Miller become the winner of UK's most prestigious literary prizes 02 Feb 2012 19:26:36 The chairman of the judges, Geordie Greig, said "there really was a fierce debate" during the 90-minute judging discussion. "There was quite bitter dissent and argument to find the winner. The debate was prolonged with passionate views over two books." The books were Pure and Now All Roads Lead to France, Matthew Hollis's gripping and moving biography of the war poet Edward Thomas. Greig, editor of the London Evening Standard, said the prize, which chooses the best overall book from five catego... Read Full Story
News cover Roald Dahl and CS Lewis - their revelations
Roald Dahl and CS Lewis - their revelations 02 Feb 2012 19:25:19 A freedom of information request saw the list of people to have rejected an honour between 1951 and 1999 and since died published last night by the Cabinet Office . Literary names were prominent amongst those to have said no to CBEs, OBEs and knighthoods in the annual New Year or Birthday Honours list, with Dahl, Lewis, and Huxley – who turned down a knighthood – joined by fellow naysayers Eleanor Farjeon, the children's author, the poets Philip Larkin and Robert Graves, who said no to both a CB... Read Full Story
News cover Kim Dotcom's relashions with New Zealand's court
Kim Dotcom's relashions with New Zealand's court 02 Feb 2012 19:23:08 The file-sharing multimillionaire, Kim Dotcom, is facing a further four weeks in custody after a judge in in New Zealand denied him bail. Judge David McNaughton ruled that the 38-year old German founder of could try to flee the country if he were released from jail pending an extradition hearing on 22 February in connection with charges in the US of facilitating millions of illegal downloads of films, music and other content, costing copyright holders at least $500m (£320m) in lo... Read Full Story
News cover Bestseller book may produce bestseller film?
Bestseller book may produce bestseller film? 01 Feb 2012 02:05:26 The film was to be released on February 10, but India's Central Board of Film Certification insisted that several scenes be edited. Director David Fincher refused to cut two love-making scenes and a rape and torture scene from his R-rated adaptation of Stieg Larsson's best-selling book. Sony acknowledged that it would not be opening the film in India and released a statement, which read in part, "While we are committed to maintaining and protecting the vision of the director, we will, as always,... Read Full Story

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