
News cover It is a new style in show business – right memories.
It is a new style in show business – right memories. 20 Nov 2010 00:13:48 Atria Books announced Wednesday that Common, the 38-year-old actor and hip-hop star, is working on a memoir scheduled to come out in June. "One Day It'll Make Sense" will be co-written by Adam Bradley. It will tell of Common's childhood in the South Side of Chicago and his entertainment career, including the Grammy-winning collaboration with Kanye West, "Southside," and such films as "American Gangster." Read Full Story
News cover The life of the most beautiful women Cleopatra in new interpreter from Stacy Schiff
The life of the most beautiful women Cleopatra in new interpreter from Stacy Schiff 19 Nov 2010 01:37:37 The book injects the Egyptian queen with a complexity and humanity that has long since been forgotten. Schiff's Cleopatra is no Elizabeth Taylor, who played her in the 1963 film of the same name. Although she may not have been a beauty, she used her charm and intellect to captivate Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and had children with both men, Schiff writes. (Cleopatra had four children.) "Best of all, Cleopatra's timing was impeccable; she indeed seems to have had help — or great good luck — ... Read Full Story
News cover "Moonlight Mile" from Dennis Lehane
"Moonlight Mile" from Dennis Lehane 19 Nov 2010 01:28:30 In Dennis Lehane's 1998 novel, "Gone Baby Gone," Beatrice McCready turned to Kenzie and Gennaro — a pair of private investigators — after her 4-year-old niece disappeared. The couple eventually solved the mystery, after discovering the child's terrible home life and drug-addict mother. Turns out it wasn't a kidnapping, but a case of taking the child so she could be placed in a loving home with a couple devoted to raising her. Returning Amanda to her mother was the right thing to do, according ... Read Full Story
News cover For that people he is a hero, from Michael Korda
For that people he is a hero, from Michael Korda 19 Nov 2010 01:26:25 Anyone born after 1950 is probably familiar with the story of the man better known as Lawrence of Arabia from David Lean's majestic 1962 film starring Peter O'Toole as the charismatic and controversial leader of the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Even a nearly four-hour epic like Lean's can only paint a life as complex as Lawrence's in broad strokes. For those interested in detail and nuance, as well as a thrilling adventure story, Michael Korda has written a new, 70... Read Full Story
News cover "Luka and the Fire of Life"  from famous Salman Rushdie
"Luka and the Fire of Life" from famous Salman Rushdie 18 Nov 2010 03:43:16 "Luka and the Fire of Life," Rushdie's fable of an adored son returning his parents' devotion and maturing a bit along the way, reads as a video game might if the video game were a novella. There are sequential challenges, a beautiful female chaperone (who not-so-mysteriously shares the first name of Luka's mother) and a series of "levels" Luka must attain before he loses so many "lives" that he is disqualified. But the serious undercurrents are many and thought-provoking. Luka is led away fro... Read Full Story
News cover Harlow Giles Unger is talking about  Patrick Henry in his new novel
Harlow Giles Unger is talking about Patrick Henry in his new novel 18 Nov 2010 03:41:20 Tea partiers think taxes are too high. In press materials for "Lion of Liberty: Patrick Henry and the Call to a New Nation," Unger cites Henry's failed effort to amend the Constitution so that any new federal tax would need a two-thirds vote in Congress and a greenlight from state legislatures. Henry was also the father of 18 children. Friends "insisted that he, not Washington, was the real father of his country," Unger writes. "His direct descendants may number more than 100,000 today." Georg... Read Full Story
News cover Look around, maybe "The Neighbors Are Watching" at you?
Look around, maybe "The Neighbors Are Watching" at you? 18 Nov 2010 03:29:07 Hostilities peak when a wildfire, whipped into cataclysmic proportions by Santa Ana winds, forces an evacuation of the neighborhood, during which time Diana disappears, leaving her newborn baby behind. This is revealed in the first few pages of Debra Ginsberg's new novel, "The Neighbors Are Watching," in a series of posts on the San Diego Fire Blog and their attending comments. Though the Internet isn't a tangible presence in the rest of the story, the opening works, both in that it casts a for... Read Full Story
News cover Johanna Skibsrud took the Scotiabank Giller Prize for her firs book "The Sentimentalists"
Johanna Skibsrud took the Scotiabank Giller Prize for her firs book "The Sentimentalists" 16 Nov 2010 02:18:26 Now living in Montreal, Skibsrud was the first debut novelist to capture the prestigious literary prize since 1999, beating out 97 competitors. Set in a small lakeside town in Ontario, the book describes a daughter's relationship with her father who is haunted by events during his tour of duty in Vietnam and is now slipping away in a "descending fog of senility," the jury said in a statement. It "charts the painful search by a dutiful daughter to learn -- and more importantly, to learn to unde... Read Full Story
News cover What is happening with the book from Barack Obama?
What is happening with the book from Barack Obama? 16 Nov 2010 02:17:03 Hailed by Indonesian record keepers as the world's thickest book, "The Collection, Obama and Pluralism," was unveiled by local author, director and artist, Damien Dematra to coincide with a visit by the U.S. president which ended on Wednesday. At 34 cm (about 1 ft) thick, the hardbound tome chronicles snippets of Obama's life in Jakarta. The U.S. president spent about four years in Indonesia as a child with his anthropologist mother from 1967 and during his visit spoke fondly of those days. Ja... Read Full Story
News cover Sarah Palin prepares the way of her next book tour
Sarah Palin prepares the way of her next book tour 16 Nov 2010 02:15:08 HarperCollins announced Wednesday that the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor will be on the road from Nov. 23 to Dec. 3, with a break for Thanksgiving, to promote "American by Heart," subtitled "Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag." The book, coming out Nov. 23, is her first since the million-selling memoir "Going Rogue." Palin, 46, will be joined by her husband, Todd, and other family members. As with "Going Rogue," she will not make appearances in New York, ... Read Full Story
News cover The reasons of financial crisis are in "All the Devils Are Here" from Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera
The reasons of financial crisis are in "All the Devils Are Here" from Bethany McLean and Joe Nocera 14 Nov 2010 00:46:56 The authors, both award-winning writers notable for their ability to bring dry and confusing financial ideas to life, thoroughly demonstrate that the roots of the current crisis never were hidden. They anchor the story of modern housing finance in the federal government's move to create securities out of home mortgages in 1970. That's what first allowed lenders to share risk with investors and create more debt — and risk — than anyone previously imagined. With great wit and vitality, the author... Read Full Story
News cover Clinton's opinion  about Bush's memoir
Clinton's opinion about Bush's memoir 14 Nov 2010 00:44:27 "'Decision Points' is well-written, and interesting from start to finish. I think people of all political stripes should read it," Clinton said in a statement released Friday. "George W. Bush also gives readers a good sense of what it's like to be president, to take the responsibilities of the office seriously, do what you think is right, and let history be the judge. The book may not change the minds of those who disagree with decisions President Bush made, but it will help you to understand be... Read Full Story

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