
News cover In anticipation  of new books from Tori Spelling
In anticipation of new books from Tori Spelling 03 Dec 2010 01:47:46 Tori Spelling's publisher announced Wednesday that the actress and reality TV star has two new books scheduled for release. "CelebraTORI," due out next fall, is a chic guide to home entertaining, while a currently untitled memoir is due out in 2012. Simon & Schuster's Gallery Books will release both. Spelling has written best-sellers "sTORI Telling" and "Uncharted TerriTORI." Read Full Story
News cover News about Waiting for Superman
News about Waiting for Superman 01 Dec 2010 21:48:56 The much discussed documentary "Waiting for Superman," which offers a harsh portrait of the country's public schools, has inspired a promotional collaboration among the Borders Group superstore chain, an education fundraiser and the publisher of the movie's companion book. On Dec. 4 and Dec. 5, any Borders customer making an in-store purchase, whether of a book or a bagel or a latte, will receive a $15 gift card to donate to a public school of choice through, an Internet-based ... Read Full Story
News cover The book "The Sherlockian" will open our yeas on Sherlock Holmes story
The book "The Sherlockian" will open our yeas on Sherlock Holmes story 01 Dec 2010 21:43:25 Several years later, Conan Doyle receives a crude and anonymously sent letter bomb, which impels him to investigate a real mystery, with help from his friend Bram Stoker and his own literary creation to guide him. The details of his investigation are dutifully recorded in his journal, which later disappears. In 2010, Harold White has just been inducted into the Baker Street Irregulars, an elite literary club devoted to Holmesian pursuits, when the world's leading Conan Doyle scholar claims to h... Read Full Story
News cover New things bout ancient in the book "Of Love and Evil" written by Anne Rice
New things bout ancient in the book "Of Love and Evil" written by Anne Rice 01 Dec 2010 21:42:38 "Of Love and Evil," the second book in her "Songs of the Seraphim" series, begins with the poetic: "I dreamed a dream of angels. I saw them and I heard them in a great and endless galactic night." From the opening lines and throughout the book, it's classic and elegant Rice — who seemingly remains at the height of her talent. The story follows the saga of former government assassin Toby O'Dare and the angel Malchiah as they travel back to 15th-century Rome to unravel the mystery of a poisoning ... Read Full Story
News cover "Rescue" is a story  full of beautiful thoughts
"Rescue" is a story full of beautiful thoughts 30 Nov 2010 02:20:15 Peter Webster, a rookie paramedic when the novel opens — and a straight arrow throughout the story — pulls a drunken young woman out of her wrecked car one cold winter night in Vermont and helps save her life. He is drawn to her, despite perceiving the chaos she represents. Sheila Arsenault has a very troubled life. On the run from an abusive lover, she obviously has a drinking problem and a wild streak that Peter has trouble understanding. At first it seems that love may conquer all, but Shre... Read Full Story
News cover "Port Mortuary"  by Patricia Cornwell
"Port Mortuary" by Patricia Cornwell 30 Nov 2010 02:16:24 Training at Dover Air Force Base's Port Mortuary, Scarpetta gets tapped to solve the seemingly straightforward case of the sudden death of a man walking his dog near her home in Cambridge, Mass. He dies at the scene of an apparent heart attack, but an inspection at the morgue suggests he was still alive while put in the body bag. Further examination reveals unusual internal injuries. At the same time, her husband, FBI agent Benton Wesley, seeks her help in an open-and-shut case involving the de... Read Full Story
News cover New book Wills and Kate will appear on the shelves  in the nearest future
New book Wills and Kate will appear on the shelves in the nearest future 30 Nov 2010 02:04:38 "William and Kate: A Royal Love Story," by The Sun newspaper's royal reporter James Clench was published in Britain Friday, the first in a slew of new titles about the relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton that publishers hope will set cash registers chirping in the months before their April 29 wedding at Westminster Abbey. Published by Harper Collins and The Sun — both owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. — the book is scattered with photos by Arthur Edwards, the paper's long-... Read Full Story
News cover Who is the Barbra Streisand  and what does she interesting in?
Who is the Barbra Streisand and what does she interesting in? 29 Nov 2010 04:17:47 This week Streisand has seen her first book land in stores, but it's no memoir of star turns in films such as "Funny Girl" or "The Way We Were," nor does it recount the making of albums that have sold over 71 million copies. For her debut as an author, Streisand has instead written about her love of architecture, art, furniture and landscaping in "My Passion for Design." But don't be fooled by its title because within the pages, the star tells tales from her life and career that influenced the ... Read Full Story
News cover Haruki Murakami create the main idea of the film based on his book "Norwegian Wood"
Haruki Murakami create the main idea of the film based on his book "Norwegian Wood" 29 Nov 2010 04:14:39 Award-winning Vietnamese-French film director Tran Anh Hung, promoting his film version of Murakami's 1987 bestseller, said Friday the book's portrayal of a "universal experience" of first love and loss makes for compelling cinema. But it took four years of correspondence with Murakami to persuade him to give the green light to the adaptation, said Tran and producer Shinji Ogawa at a press event promoting the movie in Tokyo. "When we went to see him (Murakami), he directly told us that he cann... Read Full Story
News cover Book for travelers about  stereotypes and more interesting facts written by Sarah Glidden
Book for travelers about stereotypes and more interesting facts written by Sarah Glidden 29 Nov 2010 04:10:21 n the book, published by Vertigo — an imprint of DC Comics — Glidden details her birthright visit to Israel. Birthright visits are efforts by Israel to familiarize young Jewish adults with the Jewish state and maintain a strong connection to American Jewry. Visitors are shown the country and introduced to interesting Israelis from all walks of life, and some end up staying for a while, or even immigrating. But instead of serving as a travel guide with personal insights, Glidden's novel is an ex... Read Full Story
News cover Something new about Book Worm Bookstore
Something new about Book Worm Bookstore 27 Nov 2010 00:55:58 The Book Worm Bookstore has been a strong force in the downtown area of Powder Springs, Ga., for the past five years. Since opening their doors in October 2005, the store's owner has filled the delightful bookstore with thousands of books, donated to charitable causes and hosted multiple community events. The Book Worm's owner, Susan Smelser, has a passion for the success of her indie bookstore, as well as the success of other small businesses in her area. Here's what Smelser said about busines... Read Full Story
News cover The George W. Bush has got good sales of his memoir
The George W. Bush has got good sales of his memoir 27 Nov 2010 00:48:35 More than 1.1 million copies of former President George W. Bush's memoir, "Decision Points," have been sold since its release earlier this month, his publisher said on Wednesday. More than 135,000 e-books were bought, and copies in print now number around 2.1 million, Crown publishers said. Since "Decision Points" hit bookshelves on November 9, Bush has been making rounds of the media to promote it. He has joked with Oprah Winfrey that he was "through with politics." "A lot of people didn't ... Read Full Story

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