Genre: World (50220 titles)

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An Elementary Class-book of Practical Coal-mining: For the Use of Students Attending Classes in ..._cover
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Day dawn in Africa; or, Progress of the Prot. Epis. Mission at Cape Palmas, West Africa_cover
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The history of Kentucky : exhibiting an account of the modern discovery ; settlement ; progressive improvement ; civil and military transactions ; and the present state of the country 2_cover
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McGuffey's newly revised eclectic fourth reader : containing elegant extracts in prose and poetry, with rules for reading, and exercises in articulation, defining, etc. : revised and improved_cover
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The history of Kentucky : exhibiting an account of the modern discovery ; settlement ; progressive improvement ; civil and military transactions ; and the present state of the country 1_cover
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With a prehistoric people, the Akikuyu of British East Africa, being some account of the method of life and mode of thought found existent amongst a nation on its first contact with European civilisation_cover
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The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, & Gennesareth, &c. : a canoe cruise in Palestine and Egypt, and the waters of Damascus_cover
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Hesperides : the poems and other remains of Robert Herrick now first collected .._cover
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An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland: Containing the State of the Church of that Nation, from ..._cover
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Au Kilima-ndjaro (Afrique orientale)_cover
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