Genre: World (50220 titles)

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Historical memoirs of Louisiana, from the first settlement of the colony to the departure of Governor O'Reilly in 1770;_cover
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America as a field for the exertions of the Christian scholar_cover
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The bibliographer's manual of English literature : containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing 5_cover
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The bibliographer's manual of English literature : containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing 4_cover
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The bibliographer's manual of English literature : containing an account of rare, curious, and useful books, published in or relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the invention of printing 1_cover
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Los pápiros : zarzuela cómico en tres actos_cover
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A Mental Arithmetic on the Inductive Plan: Being an Advanced Intellectual Course Designed for ..._cover
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Aufzeichnungen des Prinzen Friedrich von Schleswig-holstein-noer Zus den Jahren 1848 bis 1850_cover
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A Mental Arithmetic Upon the Inductive Plan: With Easy Exercises for the Slate ..._cover
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Black's guide to the Trossachs, Loch Katrine, Loch Lomond, etc_cover
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