Genre: World (50220 titles)

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A New Problem in Hydrodynamics with Extraneous Forces Acting_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Special reports [microform] : on I.-natural history of the lobster, with special reference to the Canadian lobster industry; II.-a concise account of fishes' eggs; III.-the place of carp in fish culture_cover
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Kinder und Hausmarchen aus Süddeutschland;_cover
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Über Wolframs von Eschenbach Rittergedicht Wilhelm von Orange und sein Verhältniss zu den altfranzösischen Dichtungen gleiches Inhalts_cover
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Final Abstracts Staff development Conference 2009_cover
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TRAVELS INTO SEVERAL ROMOTE NATIONS OF THE WORLD by W.C. TAYLOR, LLD series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The story of women in Islam_cover
The story of women in Islam by ArabAtheistsNetwork series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Final 2_Abstracts Staff Development Conference 2009_cover
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Aneddoti italiani: Italian anecdotes, selected from "Il compagno del passeggio Campestre", a Key to Exercises in idiomatic Italian_cover
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Regole per la pronunzia della lingua Italiana_cover
Regole per la pronunzia della lingua Italiana by Gradi, Temistocle series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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