Genre: World (50220 titles)

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The Latin grammar of pharmacy and medicine_cover
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Canadicae missionis relatio ab anno 1611 usque ad annum 1613 cum statu ejusdem missionis, annis 1703 & 1710 [microform]_cover
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The Northern lakes guide [microform] : to lakes Simcoe and Couchiching, the lakes of Muskoka, the Georgian Bay and Great Manitoulin Channel, and Lake Superior : giving a description of the lakes and river scenery with the [b]est spots for waterside summer_cover
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Patrologiae cursus completus: sive biblioteca universalis,integra uniformis, commoda, oeconomica ..._cover
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A speech delivered by Hon. Oliver Mowat, attorney-general, in the Legislative Assembly, March 25th, 1890 [microform] : no. 4, subject: proposed amendments to the act relating to separate schools_cover
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Patriotic and other poems [microform]_cover
Patriotic and other poems [microform] by Munn, George series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Annual Register_cover
Annual Register by unknown 1 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Zwei fornaldarsögur (Hrólfssaga Gautrekssonar und Ásmundarsaga Kappabana): nach Cod. Holm. 7, 4to_cover
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Groans and grins of one who survived [microform]_cover
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