Genre: United States (66535 titles)

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The failure of gas inspection in Halifax [microform] : and its relation to the late Halifax Gas Light Company, also, People's Heat and Light Company, and other remarks in connection with gas supply at Halifax, N.S._cover
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Canada correspondence [microform] : the series of letters we are publishing from Canada, from an old correspondent of 1837 ... with the occasional letters of an intelligent writer, keep our readers well posted in Canada matters ..._cover
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Vietnam's Lasting Effect on American Society_cover
Vietnam's Lasting Effect on American Society by Michael S. Grogan series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Canada under the national policy [microform] : arts and manufactures, 1883_cover
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phonograph records-history_cover
phonograph records-history by unknown 1 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology - Its First Century_cover
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Nederlandsche Historien met Aanteekeningen en ophelderingen van M. Siegenbeck, A. Simons en J.P ... 6_cover
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History, Directory & Gazeteer, of the County of York: With Select Lists of ..._cover
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Il Canada e l'emigrazione [microform]_cover
Il Canada e l'emigrazione [microform] by Bossange, Gustave series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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