Genre: Technology (1965 titles)

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Principles of mechanism. A treatise on the modification of motion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines_cover
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Principles of mechanism. A treatise on the modification of motion by means of the elementary combinations of mechanism, or of the parts of machines_cover
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Principles and practice of harbour construction_cover
Principles and practice of harbour construction by Shield, William series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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James McMillan, a Senator from Michigan: Nominating Speeches in the Caucuses ..._cover
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Hufeland's Journal der practischen Heilkunde_cover
Hufeland's Journal der practischen Heilkunde by unknown 1 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Kinematics: A Treatise on the Modification of Motion, as Affected by the ..._cover
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Natural gas in Montana : a report to the Governor from the Natural Gas Marketing Advisory Council 1992_cover
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The Relative Proportions of the Steam-engine: Being a Rational and Practical ..._cover
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The Relative Proportions of the Steam-engine: Being a Rational and Practical ..._cover
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Reinforced concrete buildings; a treatise on the history, patents, design and erection of the principal parts entering into a modern reinforced concrete building_cover
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