Genre: Technology (1965 titles)

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List of the Ores and Minerals of Industrial Importance Occurring in Alabama_cover
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Electricity: its theory, sources, and applications_cover
Electricity: its theory, sources, and applications by Sprague, John T series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The Internal Wiring of Buildings_cover
The Internal Wiring of Buildings by Henry Meredith Leaf series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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James McMillan, a senator from Michigan; nominating speeches in the caucuses of 1889 and 1895_cover
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A practical treatise on the construction, heating and ventilation of hot-houses; : including conservatories, green-houses, graperies and other kinds of horticultural structures..._cover
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A concept of management development : applications for a health center_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Kinematics of machines: an elementary text-book_cover
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Rational living; some practical inferences from modern psychology_cover
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Spiritualism; its history, phenomena and doctrine_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Morse exact fare test_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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