Genre: Social Sciences (10777 titles)

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Orationes quae sunt in Macartatum (xliii) et in Olympiodorum (xlviii) et in Lacriti exceptionem ..._cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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The state and the nation_cover
The state and the nation by Jenks, Edward, 1861-1939 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Sermons by David Merrill , Thomas Scott Pearson series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Behind the beyond : and other contributions to human knowledge_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Geography and world power_cover
Geography and world power by Fairgrieve, James, b. 1870 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The story of a beautiful duchess; being an account of the life & times of Elizabeth Gunning, duchess of Hamilton & Argyll_cover
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The Fruit Garden: A Treatise Intended to Explain and Illustrate the ..._cover
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A sermon_cover
A sermon by Ramsey, William, 1803-1858 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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Statistical studies relating to national progress in wealth and trade since 1882: a plea for further enquiry_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Steam power and mill work principles and modern practice_cover
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