Genre: Philosophy (3544 titles)

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Zions̓ Works: New Light on the Bible, from the Coming of Shiloh, the Spirit of Truth, 1828-1837_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Zions̓ Works: New Light on the Bible, from the Coming of Shiloh, the Spirit of Truth, 1828-1837_cover
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Zions̓ Works: New Light on the Bible, from the Coming of Shiloh, the Spirit of Truth, 1828-1837_cover
Avg: 5/5
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Zions̓ Works: New Light on the Bible, from the Coming of Shiloh, the Spirit of Truth, 1828-1837_cover
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The History of Freedom and Other Essays_cover
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The Sphere of Religion: A Consideration of Its Nature and of Its Influence Upon the Progress of ..._cover
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Philosophical remains of George Croom Robertson, with a memoir_cover
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Hume's Treatise of morals: and selections from the Treatise of the passions_cover
Avg: 4/5
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The Theory of Wages Adjusted to Recent Theories of Value ..._cover
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