Genre: History (257108 titles)

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the awakened sinner directed_cover
the awakened sinner directed by caleb kimball series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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talk of hon ch gallup before the norwalk chamber of commerce on the problem o_cover
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farming with green manures on plumgrove farm_cover
farming with green manures on plumgrove farm by caleb harlan series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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index to american poetry and plays in the span classsearchtermspan class_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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speeches of mr cushing of massachusetts on the maine boundary question_cover
Avg: 3/5
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mr cushing on the right of petition abolition of slavery_cover
mr cushing on the right of petition abolition of slavery by cushing series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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speech of mr cushing of massachusetts on the post office bill delivered in t_cover
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speech delivered in faneuil hall boston october 27 1857 also speech delive_cover
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outlines of the life and public services civil and military of william henry h_cover
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an oration pronounced at boston before the colonization society of massachusetts_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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