Genre: History (257108 titles)

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english folk songs from the southern appalachians_cover
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napoleon at fontainebleau and elba being a journal of occurrences in 1814 1815_cover
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the trial of mungo campbell before the high court of justiciary in scotland fo_cover
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a textbook of domestic science for high schools_cover
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revolutionary services and civil life of general william hull_cover
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campbells tea coffee and spice manual a comprehensive trade manual on teas c_cover
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speech of hon l d campbell of ohio on southern aggression the purposes of_cover
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a reply to the strictures of the edinburgh review on the foreign policy of marq_cover
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a letter addressed to a member of the present parliament on the articles of cha_cover
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john masterson or passion and the priest_cover
john masterson or passion and the priest by kenneth campbell series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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