Genre: History (257108 titles)

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catalogue of books annotated and arranged and provided by the carnegie library_cover
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catalogue of books in the childrens department of the carnegie library of pitts_cover
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preliminary general catalogue of 6188 stars for the epoch 1900 including those_cover
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albany zone catalogues for the epoch 1900_cover
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bibliography of the department of economics and sociology of the carnegie instit_cover
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catalogue of an exhibition of early english portraits and landscapes lent by mr_cover
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the imperial japanese mission 1917 a record of the reception throughout the un_cover
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armaments and their results_cover
armaments and their results by Carnegie Andrew series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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a league of peace a rectorial address delivered to the students in the universi_cover
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democracy and christian doctrines an essay in reinterpretation_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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