Genre: Geology (1187 titles)

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The autobiography of Joseph Jefferson_cover
The autobiography of Joseph Jefferson by Jefferson, Joseph, 1829-1905 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The Mississippi Valley: its physical geography, including sketches of the topography, botany, climate, geology, and mineral resources ; and of the progress of development in population and material wealth_cover
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Special report of a reconnoissance of the route for the Northern Pacific Railroad between Lake Superior and Puget Sound via the Columbia River, made in 1869 [microform]_cover
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Observations on the management of madhouses, illustrated by occurrences in the West Riding and Middlesex asylums._cover
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Allgemeine Grundzüge_cover
Allgemeine Grundzüge by Heinrich Wagner series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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La vita in Palermo cento e più anni fa_cover
La vita in Palermo cento e più anni fa by Pitrè, Giuseppe, 1841-1916 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF JOSEPH JEFFERSON by joseph jefferson series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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THE GEOGRAPHY OF REDING by LOUIS R.WILSON series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Gazeta universal, politica, litteraria, e mercantil 1_cover
Gazeta universal, politica, litteraria, e mercantil 1 by unknown 1 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Gazeta universal, politica, litteraria, e mercantil 3_cover
Gazeta universal, politica, litteraria, e mercantil 3 by unknown 1 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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