Genre: General (42996 titles)

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El alma de la copla : comedia lírica en tres actos, divididos en seis cuadros_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Los dos lunares : sainete lírico, en un acto y tres cuadros_cover
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Porter County, Indiana marriages, 1836-1850_cover
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A Geography of the British Isles_cover
A Geography of the British Isles by lionel william lyde series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Index to marriage record, Miami County, Indiana, 1840 to 1850 inclusive-newspapers, 1840 to 1849 inclusive-County Clerk records_cover
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Jefferson County, Indiana marriage records, 1811-1831_cover
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Early Oregon; jottings of personal recollections of a pioneer of 1850_cover
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Record of Sons of Temperance, New Castle Division, no. 80, Henry County, Indiana, ca. 1842-1864_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Annual report - Dept. of Mines and Mining 19th_cover
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The help of women in English parishes Talbot collection of British pamphlets_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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