Genre: General (42996 titles)

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Private and official correspondence of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, during the period of the Civil War ... Privately issued 5_cover
Avg: 3/5
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The Poor Little Rich Girl: A Play of Fact and Fancy, in Three Acts_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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The Growth of Music: A Study in Musical History for Schools_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784-1831 12_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Seven miles to Arden_cover
Seven miles to Arden by Harper & Brothers. pbl series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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Fromont and Risler =_cover
Fromont and Risler = by Alphonse Daudet , George Burnham Ives series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784-1831 14_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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An inland voyage and Travels with a donkey_cover
Avg: 3/5
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The King of the Dark Chamber_cover
The King of the Dark Chamber by rabindranath tagore series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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The Fundamental Data of Modern Pathology: History, Criticisms, Comparisons ..._cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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