Genre: General (42996 titles)

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Memoir of Samuel Slater, the father of American manufactures; connected with a history of the rise and progress of the cotton manufacture in England and America_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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A record of the statesmanship and political achievements of Gen. W. S. Hancock_cover
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Life and military career of Winfield Scott Hancock; his early life, education and remarkable military career_cover
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A record of the statesmanship and political achievements of Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, regular Democratic nominee for president of the United States_cover
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Hancock. The life and public service of Winfield Scott Hancock .._cover
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The Great Oil Octopus_cover
The Great Oil Octopus by London Truth, Truth , London series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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History of the Fall of the Roman Empire: Comprising a View of the Invasion ..._cover
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Lives of the Presidents of the United States: With Biographical Notices of ..._cover
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New England month: seventeenth-century festival, Saturday, July 19 - Friday, July 25 on Boston common_cover
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History of the Germanic Empire_cover
History of the Germanic Empire by Samuel Astley Dunham series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4.5/5
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