Genre: Colonial Period (1529 titles)

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Mutter erde; ein versuch über volksreligion_cover
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Progressive Spondylotherapy, 1913; a Summary of New Clinico-physiologic and ..._cover
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Where the people rule; or, The initiative and referendum, direct primary law and the recall in use in the state of Oregon_cover
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A Defence of Idealism: Some Questions and Conclusions_cover
A Defence of Idealism: Some Questions and Conclusions by May Sinclair series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Glasnik Srpskoga učenog društva ...: građ za noviju srpsku istoriju_cover
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Gustavus Lindorm, Or, Lead Us Not Into Temptation_cover
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Publications of the Dramatic museum of Columbia university in the city of New York. 1st series. Papers on playmaking .. 1_cover
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The political record of Hon. S. C. Pomeroy, as shown by his own party newspaper press, in Kansas, and other states, viz: Leavenworth times, New York tribune .._cover
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Translation of the Provincial and Municipal Laws of Puerto Rico_cover
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History of Friedrich the Second: Called Frederick the Great 1_cover
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