Genre: Classics (51309 titles)

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Manual of the botany (Phænogamia and Pteridophyta) of the Rocky mountain region, from New Mexico to the British boundary_cover
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The Sphagnaceae or peat-mosses of Europe and North America_cover
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Notes on the life history of British flowering plants_cover
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The student's handbook of British mosses_cover
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The problem of the unemployed_cover
The problem of the unemployed by Ring, Henry Franklin, 1852-1915 series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The complete grazier and farmers' and cattle-breeders' assistant; a compendium of husbandry ..._cover
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A little garden the year round, wherein much joy was found, experience gained and profit, spiritual as well as mundane, derived without loss of prestige in a practical neighborhood_cover
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Light on masonry: a collection of all the most important documents on the subject of speculative free masonry: embracing the reports of the Western committees in relation to the abduction of William Morgan .._cover
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Ants, bees, and wasps. A record of observations on the habits of the social Hymenoptera_cover
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