Genre: Classics (51309 titles)

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Observationum de partibus pelvi angusta impeditis particula ..._cover
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Comptes consulaires d'Albi, 1359-1360, publiés avec une introd., un glossaire et des notes par A. Vidal, et une étude linguistique par A. Jeanroy_cover
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Meditations of an Autograph Collector_cover
Meditations of an Autograph Collector by Adrian Hoffman Joline series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The Convention: A Notable Gathering of the People Representing Socialism: Stirring Events in Which Those Who Stood For Political Action Exclusively Were Defeated — They Bolt._cover
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Maazor : im perush I.. be-shem Bet Yirael e-yalu Peninim yearim, u-Maaeh Alfes ... nusa Sefarad : Rosh ha-Shanah (Yom alef)_cover
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Eshkol ha-kofer_cover
Eshkol ha-kofer by Hadassi, Judah ben Elijah ha-Abel series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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Ocherki po istorii cheshskago vozrozhdeniia_cover
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The number and nature of vowel sounds [microform] : an essay read before the Canadian Institute on the 13th of December, 1884_cover
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Clemenceau; suivi d'une étude de Louis Lumet, avec citations de G. Clemenceau, sur les États-Unis d'Amérique_cover
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Patriotic recitations and Arbor Day exercises [microform]_cover
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