Genre: Children's Literature Guides (684 titles)

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Our Young Folks,Vol 1,No. 1An Illustrated Magazine_cover
Our Young Folks,Vol 1,No. 1An Illustrated Magazine by Various series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4/5
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Boys and Girls Bookshelf (Vol 2 of 17)Folk-Lore,Fables,And Fairy Tales_cover
Avg: 3/5
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The Junior Classics (vol 1)
Fairy and wonder tales_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Golden Days for Boys and GirlsVolume VIII,No 25: May 21,1887_cover
Golden Days for Boys and GirlsVolume VIII,No 25: May 21,1887 by Various series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3/5
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Bertie and the Gardenersor,The Way to be Happy_cover
Bertie and the Gardenersor,The Way to be Happy by Leslie Madeline series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4/5
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Boys and Girls Bookshelf; a Practical Plan of Character Building,Volume I (of 17)Fun and Thought for Little Folk_cover
Avg: 2.5/5
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Golden Days for Boys and GirlsVolume XIII,No. 51: November 12,1892_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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Der Struwwelpeter_cover
Der Struwwelpeter by Hoffmann Heinrich series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 3.5/5
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St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls,Vol. 5,May,1878,No. 7.Scribner's Illustrated_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Hin und HerEin Buch für die Kinder_cover
Hin und HerEin Buch für die Kinder by Fick Henry series: Unknown first published: Unknown
Avg: 4/5
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