"Angel Island" is a fascinating feminist work from the early part of last century. This is the story of the beginning of a new race. Five men are shipwrecked on a tropical island, and they entertain themselves discussing their relationships with women. When they have almost convinced each other they can survive without them, they start hearing mysterious noises. A bit later there appear five unworldly women with marvelous, colorful wings. Women keep visiting men and everyday and their flying patterns become more and more beautiful. Their bird-like language is as enigmatic and fascinating as their gorgeous beauty. Men become enraptured by these strange goddesses. One day men decide to catch these angel-like creatures. The most interesting part of the book is women’s integration into men’s world. The manner in which the women speak about the men is very telling of the eternal struggle between men and women. This book was written in 1914 by an intelligent attentive woman, when women were very restricted in their freedom. "Angel Island" will always be relevant to women no matter of thaeir age, social status or cultural background.