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Memoir of Quamino Buccau: A Pious Methodist_cover
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Refugium Botanicum: Or Figures and Descriptions from Living Specimens, of Little Known Or New ... 2_cover
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Refugium Botanicum: Or Figures and Descriptions from Living Specimens, of Little Known Or New ... 1_cover
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Design of a standard reinforced concrete railway trestle_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Chemical analysis of engineering alloys_cover
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Sophisms of the protectionists_cover
Avg: 4/5
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Four Modern Naval Campaigns: Historical, Strategical and Tactical_cover
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Erkennen und bestimmen der Schmetterlingsblütler(papilionaceen, kleeartigen ..._cover
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Erkennen und bestimmen der Wiesengräser_cover
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Welt und Menschheit vom Standpunkte des Materialismus: Eine Darlegung der ..._cover
Avg: 4/5
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