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The first aid farm veterinarian; a collection of authoritative suggestions on the care of cattle, swine, sheep, horses, combined with a choice selection of illustrations of prize winning and famous types of live stock_cover
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Die mittelenglischen Legenden von St. Editha und St. Etheldreda, eine Untersuchung über Sprache ..._cover
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The Volume of the World: Embracing the Geography, History, and Statistics ..._cover
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Symbolic Algebra: Or, The Algebra of Algebraic Numbers: Together with ..._cover
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Symbolic Algebra: Or, The Algebra of Algebraic Numbers: Together with ..._cover
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The Student-life of Germany_cover
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The Fraserian Papers of the Late William Maginn, LL. D.: Annotated, with a Life of the Author_cover
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System of Taxation of Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania ..._cover
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History of Lycoming College and its predecessor institutions : Williamsport Academy, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport Dickinson Junior College_cover
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Deutschland vor hundert Jahren: Politische Meinungen und Stimmungen bei Anbruch der Revolutionszeit_cover
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