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The Rangers; or,The Tory's Daughter
A tale illustrative of the revolutionary history of Vermont_cover
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Memorial of Mrs. Lucy Gilpatrick Marsh delivered June 22,1868._cover
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搜神後記 by Tao Qian ? series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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搜神後記. Selections. 1985_cover
搜神後記. Selections. 1985 by Tao Qian ? series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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五孝傳 by Tao Qian ? series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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孫子兵法道家新註解 by Tang Jingwu series: Unknown first published: Unknown
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The Reign of Tiberius,Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus;
With His Account of Germany,and Life of Agricola_cover
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A Dialogue Concerning Oratory,Or The Causes Of Corrupt EloquenceThe Works Of Cornelius Tacitus,Volume 8 (of 8); With An Essay OnHis Life And Genius,Notes,Supplements_cover
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Moeurs des anciens Germains_cover
Avg: 4.5/5
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The Elegies of TibullusBeing the Consolations of a Roman Lover Done in English Verse_cover
Avg: 3/5
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