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The Kentucky State Register, for the Year 1847: Containing the Names and ..._cover
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A collection of the statutes in force relative to elections down to the present time, with a copious index: also, an appendix .._cover
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Appeals from the convictions and orders of justices_cover
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Notable men of the West, including members of the United States Supreme Court, supreme courts of several states, and prominent lawyers and business men in the western states_cover
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Amazulu: The Zulus, Their Past History, Manners, Customs, and Language, with Observations on the ..._cover
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Journal de l'expédition anglaise en Egypte: dans l'année mil huit cent_cover
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Journal de l'expédition anglaise en Egypte: dans l'année mil huit cent_cover
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Early settlement and growth of western Iowa; or, Reminiscences_cover
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Ad Epidicum Plautinam coniectanea_cover
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Il tempio nel tempio : in occasione del battesimo del serenissimo infante primogenito dell'Altezza serenissima di Rinaldo I, duca di Modona, Reggio, &c_cover
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