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Tower genealogy. An account of the descendants of John Tower, of Hingham, Mass._cover
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British fauna, containing a compendium of the zoology of the British Islands:_cover
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Natural history of the district ..., together with a geological account of the rock strata, and the fossils contained in them_cover
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Conchylia insularum Britannicarum. The shells of the British islands_cover
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Conchylia dithyra insularum Britannicarum = The bivalve shells of the British islands : systematically arranged_cover
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Neueste Geschichte der Republik Mexiko, von der Gründung des freistaates bis zur Eroberung der mexikanischen Hauptstadt durch die Vereinigten Staaten_cover
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Ensayo sobre la historia de la Filosofia desde et principio dei mundo hasta nuestros dias_cover
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Ensayo sobre la historia de la Filosofia desde et principio dei mundo hasta nuestros dias_cover
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The Director: A Weekly Literary Journal: Containing I. Essays, on Subjects of Literature, the ..._cover
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