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a catalogue of the shells arranged according to the lamarckian system with th_cover
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a practical treatise on the law of slavery being a compilation of all the deci_cover
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eulogy pronounced in the city hall providence april 19 1865 on the occasion_cover
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discourse on the death of president abraham lincoln delivered by rev samuel ba_cover
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the law and customs of riot duty a guide for national guard officers and civil_cover
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the law of land drainage sewers a treatise upon the law relating to commissio_cover
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the sheriffdom of clackmannan a sketch of its history with lists of sheriffs an_cover
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the entomologists log book and dictionary of the life histories and food plants_cover
Avg: 4/5
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narrative of privations and sufferings of united states officers and soldiers wh_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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a short system of practical arithmetic compiled from the best authorities to w_cover
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