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Life of sir James Nicholas Douglass: F.R.S., &c., &c. (formerly Engineer-in ..._cover
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The Official Character of Nathanael Emmons: Taught and Shown in the Sermon at His Funeral, 28th ..._cover
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An Answer to the Greatest Falsehood Ever Told by a Providence Lawyer: Alias "Demens Egomet ..._cover
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illustrations of indian field sports selected and reproduced from the coloured_cover
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mathematics simplified and practically illustrated by the adaptation of the prin_cover
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the complete anglers vade mecum being a perfect guide of instruction on the ab_cover
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The Complete Angler's Vade-mecum: Being a Perfect Guide of Instruction on ..._cover
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a short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the lords supper_cover
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a study of prehistoric anthropology hand book for beginners_cover
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an enquiry into the origin and intimate nature of malaria_cover
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