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Errata of the Protestant Bible: Or the Truth of the English Translations ..._cover
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England's Reformation: A Poem, in Four Cantos_cover
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Flora, Or, The Gipsy's Frolic: A Pastoral Opera in Three Acts_cover
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Passaic, a Group of Poems Touching that River: With Other Musings_cover
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on the entomology and uses of silk with a list of the families genera and sp_cover
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Royal Commission and Government of India Silk Culture Court: Descriptive ..._cover
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Handbook of the Collection Illustrative of the Wild Silks of India: In the ..._cover
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sketches of the life and travels of rev thomas ware who has been an intinerant_cover
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how to keep the clock right by observations of the fixed stars with a small tele_cover
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observations on the fairy queen of spenser volume 2_cover
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