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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 7-12 (1893-1904)_cover
Avg: 3/5
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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 19-23 (1911-16)_cover
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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 13-15 (1904-07)_cover
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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 16-18 (1908-10)_cover
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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 24-25 (1916-20)_cover
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Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles : compte-rendu v. 26-27 (1920-24)_cover
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Health and healthy homes in Canada [microform] : a short work on domestic and public hygiene_cover
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Abstract of proceedings of the South London Entomological & Natural History Society 1885-89_cover
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Proceedings of the South London Entomological & Natural History Society 1897_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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Abstract of proceedings of the South London Entomological & Natural History Society 1895-96_cover
Avg: 4/5
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