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psychopathia sexualis with especial reference to antipathic sexual instinct_cover
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psychopathia sexualis with especial reference to contrary sexual instinct a m_cover
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psychopathia sexualis with especial reference to contrary sexual instinct a_cover
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dynamics of nonlinear stochastic systems_cover
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interpretation of a dynamical approximation for isotropic turbulence_cover
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mixing length analysis of turbulent thermal convection at arbitrary prandtl numb_cover
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model for energy transfer in isotropic turbulence_cover
Avg: 3/5
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relation of fourth to second moments in stationary homogeneous hydromagnetic tur_cover
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statistical mechanics of stationary homogeneous hydromagnetic turbulence_cover
Avg: 3/5
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stochastic models for many body systems i infinite systems in thermal equilibr_cover
Avg: 3.5/5
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