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L'Étrurie et les Étrusques, ou, Dix ans de fouilles dans les Maremmes ..._cover
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Noyes-Gilman ancestry; being a series of sketches, with a chart of the ancestors of Charles Phelps Noyes and Emily H. (Gilman) Noyes, his wife .._cover
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'Sconset cottage life: a summer on Nantucket Island_cover
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'Sconset cottage life; a summer on Nantucket Island_cover
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Catalogue of the Library_cover
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Ancestry and descendants of Lieutendent Jonathon and Tamesin (Barker) Norris of Maine, in which are given the names_cover
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The Cambridge Platform of Church Discipline, Adopted in 1648: And the Confession of Faith ..._cover
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Miles Merwin, 1623-1697, and one branch of his decendants_cover
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